Lost Ark Tytalos Guardian Raid Bugged

Seems like our dear friend Tytalos is bugged again, and Amazon Games are working with Smilegate RPG to push a fix on Monday, according to the recent announcement on the forums.
Heroes of Arkesia,
We are aware of an issue within the Tytalos Guardian Raid that makes defeating Tytalos in the time frame alotted extremely difficult for the powerlevel required to participate in the Guardian Raid, creating a blocker for progression. We are working with Smilegate RPG on a hotfix to address this issue which we are aiming to release on Monday. For the time being, we strongly suggest avoiding the Tytalos Guardian Raid so you do not expend valuable time or resources on an encounter that is currently not performing correctly.
We will also be working to create a possible compensation for the players who were blocked from progressing due to this issue with Tytalos. We will share more information as soon as we have it.
We thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
Good luck in Arkesia!
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